Sober living

How Peer Pressure Shapes Consensus, Leadership, and Innovations in Social Groups PMC

It can sometimes manifest as indirect pressure, such as when a person perceives that many or even all of their peers use drugs. But he notes that he is also no stranger to feeling peer pressure when he is the only one. Where α, β, and δ are parameters to be adjusted to consider the different strengths of peer pressure. Decisions in groups trying to reach consensus are frequently influenced by a small proportion of the group who guides or dictates the behavior of the entire network. In this situation a group of leaders indicates and/or initiates the route to the consensus, and the rest of the group readily follows their attitudes. The study of leadership in social groups has always intrigued researchers in the social and behavioral sciences13,14,15,16,17.

XIII. Environmental Justice Impacts

Regarding parental pressure, findings are rare and therefore we based our expectations on developmental theories. These theories have suggested that parents are not the main source of appearance-related standards and thus parental norms and modeling should not differ by grade. However, parents have been found to become more concerned with the physical attractiveness of their adolescent child. Thus, we expected that parental encouragement to control weight and shape would be more prevalent among older adolescents.

X. Non-Water Quality Environmental Impacts

indirect peer pressure

For instance, a teenager might influence their friend to smoke a cigarette by saying, “Come on, one cigarette won’t hurt.” In reality, peer pressure can be either a positive or negative influence that one peer, or group of–milk-400-ml peers, has on another person. The following six terms are often used to describe the types of peer pressure a person may experience. Teenagers are people still struggling to find their true identity and meaning in life.

A. Information from the Electric Utility Industry

indirect peer pressure

This result is not surprising, because parents are often concerned about the overweight of their child and feel responsible [50]. So, they probably try to support weight control and dieting efforts with comments designed to act as reminders. In accordance with previous studies [13,15,25] our findings can serve as further evidence that these encouraging messages are more problematic than previously assumed. The results indicate that the line is fine between support and pressure and future research must keep track of possible consequences. Beyond this, the findings appear to be particularly relevant for the field of obesity prevention and treatment of children and adolescents.

  • These bounding analyses were presented as a conservative estimate to demonstrate the potential universe of discharges of unmanaged CRL and potential costs.
  • For this analysis, the changes in air emissions are based on the change in dispatch of EGUs as projected by IPM after overlaying the costs of complying with the final rule onto EGUs’ production costs.
  • (ii) For discharges of FGD wastewater generated before December 31, 2023, the quantity of pollutants discharged in FGD wastewater shall not exceed the quantity determined by multiplying the flow of FGD wastewater times the concentration listed for TSS in § 423.12(b)(11).
  • There are no doubt instances where peers discourage one another from revising the way they think and act, a phenomenon illustrated by cigarette smoking resistance (Teunissen et al., 2012).
  • The volume of daily discharges used to calculate the 30-day rolling average shall be calculated using measurements from flow monitors.

Age-related variations

  • These plants are in different stages of the dewatering process, as they are trying to meet their closure deadlines under the CCR regulations.
  • The EPA rejects more stringent technologies as BAT for discharges of CRL in this subcategory.
  • The EPA has revisited many final ELG rules within this time frame, either as the result of a court’s vacatur or remand, or as the result of an administrative petition.
  • Young adolescents without friends are victimized more frequently and present greater internalizing and externalizing symptoms than those with friends (Hodges et al., 1999).
  • Demographic information for the remaining sample of 1,112 students is given in Table 1.

The EPA estimates that under the final rule (Option B) and for the lower and upper bound cost scenarios, 13 to 17 parent entities would incur annualized costs representing one percent or more of their revenues, including 6 to 9 parent entity that would incur costs representing more than three percent of its revenue. The EPA is not selecting chemical precipitation plus biological treatment as BAT for legacy wastewater in this subcategory. Biological treatment requires a period of optimization for concentration and composition of the microorganisms to reach a steady state in which the reduction-oxidation activity of the microorganisms can reduce pollutants of concern without creating excessive levels of hydrogen sulfide gas. Due to the relatively short timelines for dewatering when compared to the equalization timeframes for the bacteria, biological reduction would not be able to consistently meet the biological treatment-based limitations established for FGD wastewater in the 2015 or 2020 rules. The EPA rejects more stringent technologies, such as zero-discharge systems, for FGD wastewater, BA transport water, or CRL in this subcategory before the permanent cessation of coal combustion. Zero-discharge requirements for this subcategory may not allow electric utilities with a limited remaining useful life to continue their ongoing, approved plans for an organized phasing out of EGUs that are no longer economical, in favor of more efficient, newly constructed generating stations.

Under the final rule, the EPA projects that 15 government-owned plants would incur compliance costs. The EPA estimates the maximum compliance cost in any one year to governments (excluding the Federal Government) for the final rule range from $155 million and $220 million, whereas the annualized costs range between $40 million and $67 million (see section 9 of the RIA for details). After considering public comments, including those mentioned above, the EPA is retaining the 2020 rule limitations applicable to FGD wastewater and BA wastewater as interim limitations before the applicability dates of the zero-discharge limitations finalized. The EPA found the 2020 rule technologies to be available, economically achievable, and to have acceptable non-water quality environmental impacts. Furthermore, the EPA disagrees with comments suggesting it cannot revisit an ELG for seven years.

The estimates of monetized benefits shown here do not include several important benefit categories, such as direct exposure to SO2, NOX, and HAPs, including mercury and hydrogen chloride. Although the EPA does not have sufficient information or modeling available to provide monetized estimates of changes in exposure to these pollutants for the final rule, the EPA includes a discussion of these unquantified benefits in the BCA. The EPA then calculated the change in the annualized after-tax costs of the three regulatory options presented in table VII-1 of this preamble as a percentage of baseline annual revenues. See section 4 of the RIA for a more detailed discussion of the methodology used for the plant-level cost-to-revenue analysis. At proposal, the EPA’s preferred regulatory option would have established chemical precipitation as BAT for all types of CRL discharges.

Our hypotheses regarding gender differences in peer and parental pressure were only partly supported. While we found the expected gender differences on all peer pressure scales, gender effects were only found for parental teasing. Thus, our results support previous findings on negative verbal commentary that found a higher prevalence among girls [6,14]. Nevertheless, the conclusion often drawn in previous research that the parental impact is generally higher for girls was probably premature. Because the effect size for parental teasing was rather low and no effects emerged on the other scales, levels of parental pressure among girls and boys seem to be more similar than previously assumed.

We know that adolescents tend to make friends with those who are the same age and gender, and with those who come from similar ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds (Haynie et al., 2014; Jugert et al., 2020). We also know that friendships between adolescents who share similar fixed traits are more apt to be stable (and thus potential sources of influence) than are friendships that are dissimilar on fixed traits (Hartl et al., 2015; Rude & Herda, 2010). It is important to note that a preference for peers with similar backgrounds may arise from behavioral tendencies that are correlated with background attributes. For instance, friendship choices that appear to be driven by demographics may be a product of musical taste, which correlates with fixed characteristics such as gender, age, and ethnicity (Stark & Flache, 2012). In raising this point, we do not mean to suggest that demographics are irrelevant to friend selection. We do mean to suggest, however, that the role of fixed attributes may be overstated because estimates of initial similarity may be inflated by confounds with malleable attributes.

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